Monday, April 15, 2013

Drivers Are Crazy Eh?

Toronto drivers are crazy eh?
You see crazier ones every day,
They go really slow in front of me,
But sped by so that was where they'd be,
Red lights are taken as a mild suggestion,
And are timed to cause maximum congestion,
Uturns are definately the norm,
and drivers ignore weather from a storm,

I go 120km in passing lanes,
And some dude behind me still complains,
You suddenly cross three lanes of traffic,
With drivers shouting words quite graphic,
You were going to miss you turn,
So others shouldn't let their collars burn,
We should all know where you're going,
It's all our ignorance that's showing,
We should be able to read your mind,
And understand you had gum to find,

The guy in front stops for yellow lights,
The guy behind doesn't, now your cars a sight,

Every third car has damage on it's side,
Cause crazy drivers tend to collide,

You go to insurance companies you pay,
They raise your rates that very day,

With one hand you are drinking coffee,
With the other you're unwrapping a toffee,
On the phone you're talking to your mom,
About how your wife's demands are so dumb,
You forget you're driving and where you're going,
And pretty soon it's your car they'll be towing,
Cause you drivers are crazy eh?
You're there to drive, not to play.

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